Monday, October 9, 2017

The purest distillation of the modern zeitgeist

Not much time, but I must memorialize this post by Kevin Drum:
Hillary Clinton describing her typical day in What Happened:
Six a.m.: I wake up, sometimes hitting the snooze button to steal a few more minutes. Snoozing leaves you more tired—there are studies on this—but in that moment, it seems like such a great idea.
Of course there are studies on this. And of course she knows about them. This is Hillary Clinton in a nutshell.
There's nothing wrong with paying attention to studies and following the tips.  But it just figures that that's how a member of the technocratic establishment would describe her mornings--in terms of studies and Best Practices.

Just try being human.  Climb down from Mount Olympus and be human.  Don't descend too far--you'll wind up being sub-human like Trump--but descend a few steps and see what humanity is like.

On a related note, Bladerunner 2049 was amazing.